For Everyone

Please arrive camera-ready for your portrait session.

In general, dark, solid colors are best. Light colors and pastels tend to “wash out” your skin tones, and make you look pale. Wearing a light color top is fine as long as you pair it with something dark. For example, a white top and a navy jacket. Also, please avoid loud prints or patterns, as they will distract from you face. It’s a good idea to try on several outfits in front of the mirror to see what you like best. Every headshot session includes two different looks, so feel free to bring a second outfit. More looks can be included. Be sure to let us know how many looks you would like when you book your session.

For Women

Wear make up as if you were going out to a nice event in the evening. Make up should be a bit heavier than what you would wear in the daytime. Try to avoid jewelry that is too large or “heavy.” We want people to see your face first, not the necklace you are wearing.

For Men

If you are getting a hair cut before your session, try to have it cut 5-7 days before your headshot appointment. If you are wearing a tie, the same guidelines as above are good to consider: try to avoid loud colors, patterns and prints.